


Wei-Fang Chang is a multimedia artist / video designer made in Taiwan, based physically in Los Angeles, and spiritually in the universe. Her interests lie in the fields of interactive installation, creative technology, and video system / projection design for live experience. The visual language in her brain is inspired by the organic flow and perpetual transitions of nature. 

She likes green and all things associated with it.


‧ Video Projection Designer, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Oct. 2022 - Present)

- Materiality of Surrender, LA Dance Project & The Sharon Disney Lund Dance Theatre, CalArts, U.S.A.
- A Dream Under the Southern Bough, Walt Disney Modular Theatre, CalArts, U.S.A.
- Echoes from the Uterus, The Sharon Disney Lund Dance Theatre, CalArts, U.S.A.
- Etta and Ella on the Upper West Side, RedCat, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Assistant)
- The Far Country, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Berkeley, CA (Animator)
- Tacos La Brooklyn , Latino Theater Co. at LATC, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Animator)
- Closed Tomorrow, CalArts Center for New Performance, U.S.A. (Associate Video Designer)
- The Wedding Banquet Musical, Taipei Performance Art Center, Taiwan (Video Programmer)

‧ TouchDesigner Developer, NightLight Labs, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Contract)

‧ Teaching Assistant - Integrating Video for Live Performance, CalArts (Sept. 2023 - Jan. 2024)

‧ Interaction Designer, NTUT IXD Graduation Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan (June 2020 - May 2021)

‧ Video Designer & Programmer, Taipei Fringe Festival, Taiwan (May 2020 - Aug. 2020)

‧ Freelance Motion Graphics Designer, Taipei, Taiwan (Oct. 2019 – Present)

‧ Product Development Internship, AgilePoint Inc., Mountain View, U.S.A. (July 2019 – Sept. 2019)



2023 - 2025
MFA Interactive Media for Performance, School of Theater, California Institute of the Arts, USA

2017 - 2021
BS Interaction Design, School of Design, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan


Software: TouchDesigner, After Effects, Cinema 4D, QLab, Resolume Arena, Isadora, WatchOut, Millumin, Unity.

Programming: Python, Arduino, HTML, CSS, Raspberry Pi.